While we are studying on image processing ,we have started
to find interest points on images.After that we are studying on matching
the interest points between two almost same images.First of all we have
two images.It includes nearly same view on same viewpoint.Basic idea is
that finding the interest points on the images and matching them .
There is a result of this process.It gives us nearly correct matches.We
worked on vl feat open source library which implements popular computer
vision algorithms including HOG, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical
k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, SLIC superpixels, and
quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with
interfaces in MATLAB for ease of use, and detailed documentation
throughout. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
there is a problem here because your images can be different size or
high quality so that you change the code lines like that:
on vl_demo_covdet.m;
% vl_imarraysc(reshape(patches(:,1:10*10), w,w,[])) ;
vl_imarraysc(reshape(patches(:,1:size(frames,2)), w,w,[])) ;
Then if your image has high quality you can resize images;
But there are different images.There is puzzle box while you can see
top of the box at first image,you can see bottom of the box at second
image and the back ground is a carpet.As a result of the matching
process,we can see the program has matched the carpet pattern on
images.We can not say the matching process is totally wrong but ıt has
trick point.the pattern is same all over the carpet so that program
finds the interest points and matches them.but this images can be
located different places on it. there is an example for this situation: